Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Anything for you

A phrase that is said in The Kite Runner quite often is, "For you, a thousand times over." Throughout the book, this phrase has many different affects on Amir. When Hassan tells Amir, "For you, a thousand times over," Hassan was telling Amir that he would do anything for him. Hassan proves this to be true with his actions. Hassan never harms or treats Amir badly at any point during the story. When Amir is throwing pomegranates at Hassan, Hassan just sits there and takes it. When this phrase is said for a second time, Amir becomes upset because he feels he does not deserve to be told this because of all the mistakes he has made in his life. But in the very end of The Kite Runner, Amir tells Sohrab, Hassan's son, "For you, a thousand times over." To me, this is where Amir forgives himself. Through all of the bad he did in his life, he really forgives himself for the mistake he made so long ago, even though others had already forgiven him. The phrase, "For you, a thousand times over," may mean many different things to many different people. For me, this phrase is about showing just how much you care for someone. As it is said, actions do speak louder than words. No matter how many times you tell someone you care, it is only believable when you show it. This phrase tells that if you care for someone, or when you care for someone, you will do anything for them, as many times as it is needed.

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